Avoiding Diseases Spread by Lone Star Ticks Ocala, FL; How to Get Rid of Tick Pests in Your House & Yard
LThe thought of a tick feeding on your blood is enough for most people to feel panicked. This blood thirsty pest is more than just a nuisance, a bite from the Lone Star Tick can have adverse effects on your health. Recently, studies have shown that the lone star tick is becoming more active in Florida. Pest 911 is here to talk about lone star ticks and the risk they pose to your loved ones.
Lone Star Tick Identification
Lone star ticks feed on the blood of a variety of animals and humans alike. They are known for their reddish brown color and white spot on the back of the female, adult lone star tick. They can live from 8 months to 2 years without a meal if the conditions are favorable for them to do so. Lone star ticks are known to transmit several diseases to humans and should always be avoided at all costs.
Lone Star Tick Bite Diseases
Lone star ticks transmit several diseases, but one they aren’t known to carry is the infamous Lyme disease. They have been known to carry the Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) which often mimics Lyme disease. The Lone Star tick is also known to carry Ehrilichiosis, Rickettsiosis and Tularemia, which are all serious illnesses. Symptoms of these illnesses don’t always present themselves immediately following a tick bite. They can occur even so much as a year later.
How to Prevent Tick Bites
The best way to avoid tick bites in Florida is to stay away from areas where ticks may be. There are some areas that are tick-infested areas, and they should be completely avoided to protect yourself. When walking in thick bush or grass, it is wise to stay in the middle of the trail to avoid brushing up against vegetation that has a tick lying in wait. Also, you should wear long sleeved shirts and pants to protect yourself against ticks. After walking outdoors, you should perform a tick check upon completion. Check the body thoroughly starting from your feet up to ensure no ticks hitched a ride home with you for a meal.
How to Remove a Tick Safely
To safely remove a tick, you should use tweezers to grab the tick as close to the skin as you possibly can. Gently, but firmly pull the tick out without twisting or yanking. Thoroughly wash your hands after handling and removing a tick. If you show any signs or symptoms of illness within a month of your tick bite, seek medical assistance in the best steps to take going forward with testing and treatment.
Tick Control
For those that have a tick problem on their property, it is time to call a professional pest control company like Pest 911 to help you eradicate the problem. We have the experience and training to remove this dangerous pest from your property so you don’t have to worry about the potential diseases they could transmit to you or your loved ones. Call us today!